Trip Captain support

First Steps

How much does JoinYourTrip cost for TripCaptains?

JoinYourTrip is and will stay free for TripCaptains. If you offer your trip on, we even support you with the planning and the organization. Just send us a message on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp or via e-mail at

Can I earn money as a TripCaptain?

That's entirely up to you! You set the TripCaptain fee of the trip. But only if you really want to take a fee - this is completely optional. In general, the more effort you put into organizing the trip, the higher you can set the price of the trip. When setting the price, consider the following points: The duration of your trip. Organizing transport and accommodation for one week is much less effort than for a four-week trip. The complexity of your trip. If you have only two stops on your trip, you will have much less to plan than if you had 20 stops. On-site organization. Setting up a sightseeing program at each stop is much more work than just planning transport and accommodation. You should also keep in mind that you don't earn much with a very low-priced trip. On the other hand, a very high-priced trip might attract fewer TripMates.

Who can become a TripCaptain?

To offer a trip you need to fulfill the following criteria: You are a real traveler. You have traveled through at least five indian states and experienced quite a few things on the way. You are able to share your experience with your TripMates. That means, for example, that you: Have three years of travel experience or you traveled a lot lately Have been a guide, have been a team leader in clubs / societies or at work or you are the one in the group who always calls the shots Are well informed about your travel destination or you've already been there Speak the native language at your destination or you know how to communicate with the locals non-verbally You are authentic You love to meet new people. You make sure your fellow TripMates feel comfortable. In your perspective, anyone can be a friend. You always have a positive attitude. You are full of energy and drive every day. You always help others and help them solve their problems. You think there's a solution to every problem. Your slogan is: Think big and act. You are empathetic and try to: Make sure no one feels excluded Build up conversations easily Adjust the experience to the needs of your colleagues Make sure everyone has the best trip possible.

How much do I need to organize?

As a TripCaptain, you should initially only organize transport and accommodation. If you also plan several activities and support the group during the trip, this will make your trip even more attractive.

Do I need to be a tour guide to become a TripCaptain?

Of course not! We invite everyone to become a TripCaptain. You should have travel experience, but we are happy to help you with planning and the organization of the trip. Just send us a message on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp or via e-mail at

Do I need to have done this tour before?

No, of course not. The trip you organize can be your first visit to the destination. Solid preparation is the most important requirement! (Have a look at "Who can become a TripCaptain?")

Can two people offer a trip together?

So far there isn’t an option where you plan and organize a trip that you don’t take. So yes, the TripCaptain needs to go on the trip. But isn't that the best and most exciting part of it all? We think so!

Can I offer a trip only for friends?

Currently, this is not possible. We plan to introduce this feature.

Small or big group - what's best for my trip?

You should choose a big group if: You love to meet lots of different and interesting people. You would like to cover a larger portion of your travel expenses. The more TripMates travel with you, the more extra money you can earn. You enjoy planning things. For bigger groups, good organization is very important. For example, you will need to make reservations at restaurants and communicate the departure times and places clearly, etc. You want to keep the costs for rental cars as low as possible. You have a lot of travel experience and you have led bigger groups in the past (for example in a society or club). You have a lot of patience, flexibility and resourcefulness. You should choose a small group if: You prefer a little more freedom. For example, if you want to be able to choose a restaurant spontaneously. You would like to accommodate as many individual wishes as possible. You like to change plans and try something new. Things have to move at a fast pace. Small groups usually move quickly. You prefer less complicated booking of accommodation and transportation. You want to have maximum freedom for choosing the means of transportation, e.g., tuk-tuks instead of big tour buses. You care a lot about meeting locals. This is often easier in small groups. You are eager to try out new foods. This can be difficult for large groups to do.

What kind of trips are not allowed?

In general, all trips are allowed. But, of course, we do have some restrictions: Please don't offer trips to destinations that may be unsafe. Check the safety advice from a destination’s foreign affairs office and follow the news. Even though extreme sports can be a lot of fun, there's always a high risk. We kindly ask you not to use our platform to promote these types of adventures. And of course, we, under no circumstances, tolerate any discrimination of any kind, any form of violence, or any harassment of fellow travelers or any people. Your trip must not breach our Terms of Service. If you're unsure about your trip, simply ask us on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp or via e-mail at

Why Provide Payment Details Before Becoming a Captain?

To facilitate payment processing for your trips, JoinYourTrip requires your account details or PayPal ID to ensure you receive payments promptly.


How do I create a trip?

You can upload your trip with our easy-to-use Editor. Make sure to display your trip with individuality. Adapting the trip to your travel style gives it personality and makes it more interesting for TripMates. If you include local recommendations, secret spots, and show you have experience leading groups or know the destination, many TripMates will want to join your trip. Start creating your trip

What should I consider while planning a trip?

For your trip to be successful, we advise you to do the following: Upload your trip at least one month before the planned departure. Based on our experience, we know that you are going to find more TripMates this way. Communicate clearly how active your TripMates should be. “Do you want to go hiking or just lie on the beach?” Remember local holidays and festivals -- Ramadan, Canada Day, Christmas, Diwali or Chinese New Year -- when making plans.. Your TripMates should be with you from the beginning to the end of the trip. Of course, a TripMate may join the group late or leave early. This causes a lot of work for you. If you want to travel with as many different travelers as possible, simply split your trip by offering three shorter trips. We recommend trips between one and four weeks long. Of course, you can also offer longer or shorter trips. However, on short trips it's difficult to get to know your TripMates well and long trips can be exhausting even for experienced travelers. Trips that are longer than 28 days need to be split up. A complete program is exciting. However, keep in mind that you're on vacation, so plan some time for relaxation and as a buffer if something doesn't go as planned.

Where can I find information for my itinerary?

Utilize your personal travel experiences, conduct online research through travel websites and forums, seek advice from local experts and tour operators, visit tourism board websites for destination-specific information, and consult with travel agencies. By combining insights from these sources, you can craft engaging itineraries that highlight the best attractions, activities, and experiences in each destination, attracting travelers to join your trips on JoinYourTrip.

How can I find license-free images for my stops?

When using images for your trip on JoinYourTrip, make sure you own the image copyrights or that they have been approved for commercial reuse. If reference is required, just add it at the bottom of the trip/stop description. Use these sources to be on the safe side: 1) Pixabay ( Pixabay is a community that shares copyright-free images and videos. All contents can be used, even for commercial purposes. No references are required. 2) Unsplash ( Just like on Pixabay, you can find free pictures that you can use for your trip without references on

What do I need to consider for the trip cost?

For the calculation of the price you should keep the following things in mind: The price should only include the cost of accommodation and local transportation. Travel to and from the destination is organized by each TripMate himself, so it isn’t included in the price of the trip. We explicitly say that prices may change, but you should add a buffer when budgeting for your trip, so TripMates won’t have to deal with any surprise expenses. Compare the prices for single and double rooms.

How can I determine a Cost per TripMate if prices (for example, hostels) keep changing?

Determining a cost per trip mate amidst fluctuating prices, such as those of hostels, requires a flexible approach. Utilize dynamic pricing models, averaging techniques, or provide price ranges to account for variations. Incorporate buffers for contingencies and regularly review and adjust pricing to reflect changes. By employing these strategies, you can maintain fairness and transparency in trip costs despite fluctuating prices.

After creating the trip

How do I find TripMates?

JoinYourTrip helps you to find suitable TripMates. Our community consists of passionate traveler, all of whom can't wait to discover the world! If you post your trip on our website, you will get your own link that you can share everywhere -- Facebook, WhatsApp, forums or anywhere. Your trip will always look great, whether it's on a mobile phone, a tablet or computer. What we do to help you find TripMates: Your trip is advertised on our social media platforms and in our newsletter We expertly use SEO methods on our website and social media platforms, so your trip can be found on Google Your trip is advertised on our homepage We have more than 100,000 visitors every month who are looking for a trip What you can do to find TripMates: Post your trip within one of our Facebook groups, or other traveler groups. Including a personal story, or asking the community a question, will make it engaging. Share on social media, and get your TripMates and other friends to share too. Ensure your trip, as well as your personal profile page, is informative as well as exciting. Ask us for advice! We've seen some really successful trips in our time. If you don't know how to improve yours, just ask!

What do I need to do after accepting TripMates?

Firstly and most importantly: get to know your TripMates a little bit better. Then you can start organizing your trip and booking things like accommodation and transportation. There are a few points to consider: What information is important for your TripMates and how to book accommodation and transport can also be found in the FAQs.

What information should I give to my TripMates?

As a good TripCaptain, you should discuss the following things with your TripMates: Very important: Make sure that everybody has a travel health insurance. Share reservations & bookings with the group, so everyone knows the latest information Food is an important part of the travel experience. Find out if you have, for example, vegetarians or vegans in your group or people with food allergies Get information on which meals are included in your bookings Let your TripMates know if they need a visa for any of the stops. Inform your TripMates about which vaccinations they need to get If you want to be an amazing TripCaptain, provide a packing list.

What do I need to consider regarding the accommodation booking?

You should consider the following points before booking the accommodation: It's not just your money, so always look for bargains Book rooms with two single beds If your group has an odd number of travelers, you'll need a triple or a single room TripMates’ preference for a single room Talk to your TripMates before booking multi-bed rooms Ask your TripMates before including mixed-gender rooms in your plans Decide with the members of your group who will share a room with whom before going on the trip. This reduces the chance of problems during the trip In general, go with non-smoking rooms

Do I need to offer different accommodation types?

No, in theory, you don’t. Your trip description should describe the types of accommodation on the trip. Of course, you can ask the group about any special wishes. Generally, you as the TripCaptain have final say. Don’t worry, your TripMates trust you! Keep in mind: When creating an itinerary for a group, all accommodations aren’t usually reserved in advance.

What do I need to consider regarding the transportation booking?

There are a few things that you need to keep in mind for getting from A to B. If you want to drive: Make sure there's at least one other person that can drive, so you'll have some time to rest. Rent vehicles that can transport everyone’s luggage Make sure the car is equipped to handle road conditions at your destinations, e.g. winter tires or powerful engines for mountainous regions, or air conditioning for hot areas If you're using public transport: Look for group tickets and discounts Look for timetables and book in advance, if possible Look into reservation options for long-distance travel Make sure to include short rides (e.g. tuk-tuks, rickshaws) for an authentic experience If you're using hired transport: Try to find a trustworthy company Book well in advance if your travel period is in high demand periods Don't forget about the costs! Remember that you'll probably need several different modes of transport

What about food during the trip?

Food is an important part of any trip. You should consider: Ask your TripMates if they have any food allergies, intolerances or special diets, like vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free or lactose-free. Inform your TripMates about the food situation at your destination. If the region you're traveling to is particularly known for a certain dish, let them know so they can try it! Before you go, look for restaurants in the area. Check out reviews on TripAdvisor or similar websites to see if they're good.

What if there's a problem with a TripMate or if someone cancels?

Of course, it can happen that someone wants to cancel or has problems. Here’s what to do: The deposit is non-refundable. However, you can find a replacement, and they can pay the TripMate the deposit directly. Please inform us immediately so that we can adjust the group size and calculate the new costs. If a TripMate cancels after paying the deposit, we will refund it if a new TripMate takes their place. In the worst case, you'll have to pay for the canceled TripMate. It's unfortunate, but sometimes it happens.

How do I change the cost for a TripMate?

You have the flexibility to adjust the price before any bookings are made. However, once bookings have commenced, the price cannot be altered.

How Do I Finalize the Cost of the Trip?

Finalizing the cost of the trip involves considering various factors such as accommodation, transportation, meals, activities, and any additional expenses. Calculate the total cost based on these factors, ensuring it is fair and competitive. Communicate the finalized cost to TripMates, providing transparency and clarity on what is included in the trip package. Be open to feedback and adjustments as needed before confirming the final cost

What do I need to consider when planning activities?

Planning activities for your trip can be a fun way to enhance the experience for you and your TripMates. Here are a few things to consider when planning activities: Make sure the activities are suitable for everyone in your group. Consider the interests, preferences, and physical abilities of your TripMates. Research the activities in advance to ensure they are safe, reliable, and enjoyable. Check the availability, opening hours, and booking requirements for each activity. Include a variety of activities to cater to different interests and preferences. Allow some flexibility in your itinerary to accommodate spontaneous activities or changes in plans. Communicate the planned activities with your TripMates in advance, so they know what to expect and can prepare accordingly.